Wednesday, January 19, 2011

na na na na na na na na rumor

Lots of rumors have been swirling around about who the new villains in Christopher Nolan's newest Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, are. I've heard everything from Joesph Gordon-Levitt playing the Riddler to Danny De Vito reprising his Penguin role, but it looks like we have an unofficial official announcement.

Catwoman is coming back and will be played by Anne Hathaway. I like her. She's one of the few good actresses left, and she has shown her tits in almost every movie, so that's cool.

I think only true comic book Batman fans know about Bane. From what I remember, he was the guy who ended Batman by breaking his back. I think he was made of rocks or some shit, I dunno. I wasn't into them, but I do remember my uncle buying me that issue and basically blowing his load talking about it. He will be played by Tom Hardy. Apparently he was in Inception and Layer Cake.

I don't know where Nolan is taking us, but could Batman really die in this?? I have a feeling that he is totally messing with us on this one, but I'm curious to see where the story goes. I'll keep you posted.

PS - Yes, Christian Bale is returning as the caped crusader. Whether that awful Batman voice of his is, we will see.

PPS - I still have that Bane issue. I wonder if it's worth any money....

thanks to merl

1 comment:

  1. Tom Hardy was in a movie called Bronson... he's a badass even though he's bisexual.
