Thursday, January 20, 2011

8th Grader Takes Down Angry Birds

from - After spending months atop the App Store top downloads list, Rovio's blockbuster smash hit 'Angry Birds' has been dethroned, by a physics game created by a 14-year-old.
'Bubble Ball,' created by middle schooler Robert Nay, is described in the iOS App Store (and now the Androif Market) as a "fun, new physics game."

In under a month, the game has seen over 2 million downloads in the iOS store and 100,000 in the Android Market, good enough to topple Angry Birds from its top spot in games.

Ok, let me get this straight. The number one selling game in the history of iTunes has been dethroned by a game made by an 8th grader!?!?! 14 years old?!?! What the fuck?? When I was in 8th grade I was thinking about how awesome Mase's Harlem World album was, and wondering what those awesome things were growing on all the girls chests. Not developing a "fun, physics" game for a generation of assholes who can't look up from their fucking phones to move out of your way on the street. I hope this kid becomes a millionaire and develops a coke problem at the age of 16. Fuck you kid, get a life. Don't keep these people around:

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