Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Best Prank Ever? (NSFW)

This is such a great prank. Not because of the boobies, those are cool, but the reactions. Obviously this is not from the US, but I wanna be the guy that comes up with the prank ideas. I have many. How about one where you wake up and theres a random girl in your bed fellating you? I'd like to see those reactions. And all my friends would love me. Any porn stars available?? Call me.


  1. My first reaction after admiring this girl's wonderful personalities is that this is the most pathetic looking group of athletes I have ever witnessed. Not one of these guys looks like they have been to the gym more than three times a year. They are all wearing track suits completely zipped up to their necks and then I stopped myself from continuing this train of thought... I just came from the gym and saw "Tapout" tight shirts, tribal tattoos on men that belong to no tribe, tank tops in January, and people that do nothing but curls for the girls. Sign me up for this gym any day of the week so that I don't have to look at "gorilla juice heads" and their slicked up gym hair... and also because I'd love to be caught up in a prank like this.

  2. 5 Top Prank Star Pakistan

    Hello the list of the 5 Top Pakistani prank star with their YouTube subscription and growth numbers. This is a comprehensive list showcasing 5 best prank star from Pakistani origin in individual or group capacities.
