Thursday, January 20, 2011

Video of the Year So Far

...i don't know what to say.... I'm still laughing....

8th Grader Takes Down Angry Birds

from - After spending months atop the App Store top downloads list, Rovio's blockbuster smash hit 'Angry Birds' has been dethroned, by a physics game created by a 14-year-old.
'Bubble Ball,' created by middle schooler Robert Nay, is described in the iOS App Store (and now the Androif Market) as a "fun, new physics game."

In under a month, the game has seen over 2 million downloads in the iOS store and 100,000 in the Android Market, good enough to topple Angry Birds from its top spot in games.

Ok, let me get this straight. The number one selling game in the history of iTunes has been dethroned by a game made by an 8th grader!?!?! 14 years old?!?! What the fuck?? When I was in 8th grade I was thinking about how awesome Mase's Harlem World album was, and wondering what those awesome things were growing on all the girls chests. Not developing a "fun, physics" game for a generation of assholes who can't look up from their fucking phones to move out of your way on the street. I hope this kid becomes a millionaire and develops a coke problem at the age of 16. Fuck you kid, get a life. Don't keep these people around:

"Boobie" Trapped in Trash Chute

Just when you thought you've seen it all, Russia brings you more drunk classics. Apparently this lady had an arrest warrant out for breaking into the same building she got stuck in a few days earlier. I would love to know what happened to her that day. When she was breaking and entering, at what point did she get naked?? Did she think being naked would help her shimmy down that trash chute?? Maybe she was just breaking in to find some clothes. I dunno, Russians are weird. But then again, vodka makes people do crazy things. Like get naked and jump down a trash chute. The rescuers didn't seem like they were in a rush. Looks cold in there too.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

na na na na na na na na rumor

Lots of rumors have been swirling around about who the new villains in Christopher Nolan's newest Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, are. I've heard everything from Joesph Gordon-Levitt playing the Riddler to Danny De Vito reprising his Penguin role, but it looks like we have an unofficial official announcement.

Catwoman is coming back and will be played by Anne Hathaway. I like her. She's one of the few good actresses left, and she has shown her tits in almost every movie, so that's cool.

I think only true comic book Batman fans know about Bane. From what I remember, he was the guy who ended Batman by breaking his back. I think he was made of rocks or some shit, I dunno. I wasn't into them, but I do remember my uncle buying me that issue and basically blowing his load talking about it. He will be played by Tom Hardy. Apparently he was in Inception and Layer Cake.

I don't know where Nolan is taking us, but could Batman really die in this?? I have a feeling that he is totally messing with us on this one, but I'm curious to see where the story goes. I'll keep you posted.

PS - Yes, Christian Bale is returning as the caped crusader. Whether that awful Batman voice of his is, we will see.

PPS - I still have that Bane issue. I wonder if it's worth any money....

thanks to merl

Best Prank Ever? (NSFW)

This is such a great prank. Not because of the boobies, those are cool, but the reactions. Obviously this is not from the US, but I wanna be the guy that comes up with the prank ideas. I have many. How about one where you wake up and theres a random girl in your bed fellating you? I'd like to see those reactions. And all my friends would love me. Any porn stars available?? Call me.

Tweet of the Day

Today's tweet of the day comes to us from rapper Asher Roth's hype man, Brain Bangley. For no particular reason except for me laughing out loud.

Brain Bangley
No underwear is not cool because you get poop stains on your pants. That aint cool.


Operation: End Andy Roddick

Oh, hey there Brooklyn Decker. She's featured in the new Esquire in a see-through shirt. Go buy it, unless you don't like hot blondes with nice racks.


- by Pat Rafferty

I am by no regard immune to the effects and draws that pop-culture has to offer. I am 26, overweight, over-indulged, and completely infatuated with any type of entertainment that can provide me with a modicum of a chance to escape from the everyday stresses, as minute as they may be, that accrue in my life. That being said, I find that the show Jersey Shore may be one of the most harmful sorts of entertainment and pop-culture I have witnessed and believe it may negatively affect generations to come and the one I am presently a part of.

I could in no way be considered conservative, so my enmity for this show does not stem from some ideology that people should behave or act more appropriately so as that our culture can attain a higher standard of morality. I hate this show because I think it encourages idiots to continue being idiots and that it may influence or skew the impressionable minds of teenagers into thinking that the way the ‘stars’ of Jersey Shore act is actually cool.

The fault of this show being popular falls on the shoulders of its viewers and not its participants. These viewers fall into two separate categories by which both can take equal parts of the blame. The first being teenagers who actually admire people like Snooky and The Situation and watch the show as some kind “How to Get Laid” instructional video in which they regularly mistake obviously scripted ignorant chatter as thoughtful lingo . The second being people of an older age, who happen to be the key demographic that advertisers like to target, watch for the entertainment, outrageousness, and weekly moronic happenings.

Younger viewers watch these repugnant horny Neanderthals on JS with a certain fervor that is frightening. If they look at these characters as social role models we can only expect that the generation will be void of any kind of ability to interact with one another on a, dare I say, romantic level that is anything less than primordial. Thanks to the glorification of the life styles the members on JS live, the up-and-coming generation won’t have to worry about wooing potential lovers with any kind intellectual conversation because most likely they will be in a club that has obnoxiously loud dance music. And no need to worry about your ability to dance either, just slam your dick and balls or ass into the other person until one is drunk enough to allow you to take them home and probably give you an STD. I’m not saying that these kids need to read Shakespeare or should be spending the time they would be watching JS watching a biography on Charles Dickens, though it couldn’t hurt, I’m saying that they should be exposed to reality a little bit more and that they should be encouraged to be educated not exploited. Please don’t worry that if these kids achieve some kind of social enlightenment that they will miss out on the pleasures of being young and single, I’m sure they will still find a way to dance to terrible music whilst rubbing their boners and sweaty asses against each other.

The older viewers of JS are at fault because the sheer numbers of them that watch JS attract advertisers who pay outrageous amounts money to get their commercials played in between Snooky rubbing lotion on her ass and some steroid using asshole proving his male dominance by throwing furniture around like a caveman. All the money this show generates ends up in these sexually retarded cast-members’ pockets and keeps the show on, and at prime time hours too. Is Jackass not enough for these people? The great thing about Jackass is they don’t try to evoke some kind creative genius in their stunts or try to pawn it off as some kind of commentary of social behavior. They kick each other in their nuts because they know it will make us laugh and they keep on finding new ways of doing it to keep us watching again and again.

I do understand the allure of the show though; I too was Snooked when I first viewed an episode. MTV knows what they are doing; they know that this show can in no way be credited with any form of creative genius, yet they will keep it on and milk it for as long as they can.

These Snookys, These Situations will soon be gone, but like the grease in their hair and aftermath of their “smooshing” it will leave a stain that will take some time to clean from our social fabric.

The Dawn of Mobile Currency

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- For years, tech companies have demoed flashy prototypes of systems that let customers use their mobile phones in place of cash or credit cards. This year, those systems are heading out of the labs and into the real world. The result: A gold rush on the next e-commerce frontier.

"There's a lot of money at stake if it's done right," says Omar Green, director of strategic mobile initiatives at Intuit (INTU).

Starting Wednesday at Starbucks (SBUX, Fortune 500) stores throughout the U.S., the cashier can now scan your phone to deduct payment for your latté from the balance on your pre-loaded Starbucks card. Splitting the dinner bill with a friend? Download Bump, and you can beam over the cash from your PayPal account.

Ummmm what the fuck? Here I am over here trying to figure out a prototype for my wallet-phone invention, and these geeky MIT type motherfuckers are just gonna eliminate the wallet completely?? Really?? What kind of shit is this?? I just go to a Starbucks and they scan my fucking iPhone?? I don't like that. Is it so hard to take out your debit card?? Plus, aren't iPhones one of the top things to steal?? So now the thieves are not only getting my phone and all my info, they're getting access to my bank?? I know I have all these questions, but does anyone think this will catch on?? I mean, if Google Checkout can't catch on, I don't know what will. I guess thats why I'm not rich.