Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Snakes Can Kill You....and Put Giant Holes in Your Body

So yea, like most people, I'm terrified of snakes. Terrified. Like, 100 times worse than Indiana Jones. I would be totally cool with eliminating every single one of them off the face of the earth. Total annihilation. Even the non-venomous ones, because let's be honest, besides Bear Grylls, nobody can tell the fucking difference. "Ohhh that one's ok, the red stripe doesn't touch the yellow one." Gimme a freakin break. That being said, I have no explanation as to why this guy would keep one of the worlds deadliest ones in a tupperware container in his garage. Really bro? Snake charming?? That's what you chose to do with your life? And way to just nonchalantly toss him back in the box like he's not a deadly cobra. You deserve every square inch of that hole in your stomach. Maybe after this, you can go frolic with the lions in Africa.

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