Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Seems like just yesterday that Blogcrates and myself were little tykes running around with our proton packs catching "ghosts" in our back yards, running from the Marshmallow Man. We legit thought we were catching the ghosts. I miss those days being a retarded kid....But good news in grown up land: Dan Aykroyd is taking over the job of scribing Ghostbusters 3 from those lame guys who wrote Year One. This is good news to me because I thought the reason he got so fat was because he couldn't find work. Nice to know he is actually doing something. And by something I mean adding another piece to one of the most successful franchises of all time. The new movie will involve the same characters. This is good news to those who thought Bill Murray wouldn't do it. He just thought the original writers (the shmos who wrote Year One) were going to ruin it. Now that Aykroyd, and I assume Harold Ramis, are involved, things could change. Adds Aykroyd, "I think he was concerned that the writing on Ghostbusters 3 by these guys would not be up to standard, but I can tell you firsthand, I'm working on the script now and those two, Stupnitsky and Eisenberg, wrote Bill the comic role of a lifetime, and the new Ghostbusters and the old are all well represented in it...we have a strong first draft that Harold [Ramis] and I will take back, and I'm very excited about working on it."

I'm excited too Dan.

"If someone asks you if you're a god, you say, YES!"

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