Friday, October 29, 2010

OK MBTA...Get Your Shit Together

Alright, I'll admit it, I'm a germaphobe. I hate being sick, and even worse, I hate the thought of getting sick from other people. I'm not the Danny Tanner type that's going to hover over the toilet seat when doing my business or wash a counter with Lysol 36 times a day, but I do have a slight fear. I wash my hands 20 times a day because people are nasty, and use purell whenever possible. I should be their spokesperson, but thats another time. The thing is, I am able to wash my hands at work because I am surrounded by bathrooms and purell stations.....but the way into work is another story. Have you ever been on the T??? It's a cesspool of bacteria. I am sick of looking at people who clearly haven't seen a bar of soap in a few weeks coughing all over themselves. Either NOT covering their mouths, or coughing into their hands. God only knows if they been picking their nose all morning or had an itchy butt. Its fucking gross because they put their hand right back on that pole. And, from my estimation, 15,000 people will touch that post every few days and now Mr. Never Used Jergens' germs have spread through 10 different T spots and god knows how many different ares in Boston. Do the math, thats a lot of grossness. This is not the problem. The problem is how and who cleans them at night. Do they wash the poles?? What about those rubber hanging grip things?? Do they check the seats for gum?? Any chance they can get rid of that urine smell off cart 3?? What about that weird brown stain on the door?? These are the questions we need answered. I am assuming that these people do not do a thorough job for they probably get paid about as well as a 3rd world child gets paid to go through trash piles. I'm also a realist and know there is no way to make sure every person in the world doesn't get sick, or learns to COUGH INTO THEIR ELBOW.... I'm not asking for that. I'm asking for purell touch free hand sanitizers on every train car, next to every door. Is that too much to ask?? Or maybe at each stop on the platform??? Come on T, do your part. It's not that much money and you could make it a tax write off. Because if I get sick from some idiot on the train, there will be hell to pay..... and by hell to pay, I mean I will write a nasty letter to the head of the MBTA that he probably won't even read. So, there.

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