Friday, October 29, 2010

Caster's Top 10 Horror Movies

Halloween is upon us. Soon the streets will be filled with hoodlums, skanks, and little bedwetters running around while their parents pray they don't get hit by cars. I'm getting older and I understand that some people like to stay in and enjoy a horror movie. I'll give you 10 that absolutely scared the dick off me.

10. The Exorcist
- If you haven't seen this movie, then you must be 6 years old. This is one of the scariest movies of all time, and for good reason. Little girl possessed by the Devil. Always chilling. The head turning completely around was the first of its kind, and I think my dad says he still has nightmares.

9. Halloween (Rob Zombie version)
-Rob Zombies vision of John Carpenters character is extremely chilling. Film follows Michael Meyers as a child up to what he is today. Children that evil and violent are always scary.

8. Saw
-Just a well written, methodical thrill ride. Great start, beginning, and end. Lots of blood...oh and a saw....

7. Rosemary's Baby
- Roman Polanski's thriller is part satanic horror and part paranoid delusion. The Devil rapes Rosemary. Need I say more. Oh, and he's terrifying.

6. The Shining
-Stanley Kubrick's film about a father driven mad by inadequacy. Oh and Jack Nicholson is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too good at playing a psycho.

5. Scream
-This came out while I was in high school and I thought this was the scariest movie at the time. The first scene where Drew Barrymore is cooking the Jiffy Pop while being stalked still still gives me the chills. "What do you want?" "To see what your insides look like..." sheeeeet

4. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- If you want to scared shitless by a chainsaw wielding manic with no face, heres the movie for you. What people don't realize is that the original is virtually a bloodless movie. If you want the gore, go with the new version. Plus, Jessica Beil is running around in a wet wife beater.

3. The Amityville Horror (original)
- This is on my list because no other movie scared me more when I was little, except maybe Aliens. The scene when the walls started bleeding made me pee a little.

2. The Descent
- Claustrophobic film that involves man eating creatures underground stalking women climbers. LOTS of blood and scary moments. Be ready to jump at any second.

1. Hostel
- This is my number one scariest movie of all time because its was the scariest movie I have ever seen. Talk about shit your pants scary. Eli Roth inadvertently created a new genre of horror that people started to call torture porn. Imagine backpacking through Europe when some cool guy comes up to you and tells you where the best place to go for sex and girls are, and the next thing you know you wake up strapped to a chair with some psycho who PAID to torture you?? The first scene with the drill made its mark on me and I'll never forget it. I didn't sleep for 4 days. Bravo Eli, Bravo.

I know I know theres a million other horror movies out there that you think are better but this is my list. And I'm all for the gore..... (cue the sick freak comments)

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